Elevator Activist Admits Senator Flake Was Target

From MRC

Ana María Archila, the left-wing activist who confronted U.S. Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) in a Capitol elevator and is largely credited with swaying him to condition his vote to allow the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh out of committee, contingent to a limited FBI investigation of some of the allegations of sexual assault aired over the last few weeks. Archila’s appearance on Al Punto confirms those suspicions.

The New York Daily News describes Archila as  “a member of the Working Families Party and executive director of the New York-based (and Soros-funded -Ed.) Center for Popular Democracy.” 

Watch as Archila lays out her rationale for specifically targeting Flake, later concedes that opposition to Kavanaugh is mostly over political ideology, and listen as Jorge Ramos seems to encourage more of these performances.


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