We DEMAND a hand count of the votes in Maricopa County!
Please send this to everyone in Arizona.
CALL & Email the Republican Maricopa Board of Supervisors members. If you CALL/EMAIL and DEMAND it, they will compel a hand count of ballots and order a forensic audit of machines/software.
Clint Hickman 602-506-7642 chickman¡mail.maricopa.gov
Steve Chucri 602-506-7431 chucris¡mail.maricopa.gov
Jack Sellers 602-506-1776 sellersj¡mail.maricopa.gov
Bill Gates 602-506-7562 district3¡mail.maricopa.gov
Contact Info: https://www.maricopa.gov/224/Board-of-Supervisors
Send to all your friends. Trump is only behind by 11k votes in AZ as of this morning. A full audit would expose the fraudulent votes in this state.