Bernie Sanders has officially dropped out of the race for the White House. This will most likely be the last time that the Vermont Senator takes a stab at leading our great nation down the path to destruction, I mean socialism.
This can’t be better news for Joe Biden to wake up to! With Bernie out and the winds of the Coronavirus at his back, his path to the DNC nomination is now set and free of competition.
Yes, you read that correctly. The winds of the Coronavirus at his back.
The Coronavirus is the best thing that has happened to Joe Biden’s bid for the White House.
Hours before Super Tuesday, it was clear that the DNC was once again rigging a primary in favor of their pre-chosen favorite. After convincing delegate holding candidates to drop out the day before the big dance, it was clear that Biden would be the nominee.
But there was a problem for Biden and the DNC. It was clear that Biden would be the nominee. All eyes turned to Joe Biden. The press was left with no choice but to turn their attention and cameras on Joe Biden. It quickly became clear that something was “off” with Joe. He was having trouble completing thoughts and sentences or even remembering what state he was in. The DNC and Biden’s campaign knew that they were in trouble.
Enter: The Coronavirus!
Out of nowhere, Bernie Sander’s biggest campaign weapon, his HUGE rallies, where being cancelled in the name of social distancing. Bernie lost the ability to rally his Bernie Bro’s to hit the town and canvas for him. Social distancing and shelter-in-place orders crushed a very impressive ground game. COVID-19 had left Bernie’s campaign ship dead in the water.
The DNC and Biden’s campaign used social distancing and shelter-in-place orders get Joe Biden away from the public. Time to cancel all in-person events and rallies. They could now control Joe Biden with make believe press conferences and teleprompters.
They have converted one of Blue Collar Joe’s many estates into a very nice looking TV studio. From there, he can toggle between his presidential looking set (complete with a podium and American flag backdrop) to a shelter-in-place, den-like set (complete with a globe and many leather bound books) for a more, “I’m in this with you” vibe.
From his home TV studio, Biden is now free to load us up with content. Anything from friendly softball cable news interviews to free flowing attacks on the President of the United States.
And finally, the push from the left for a mail-in ballot only presidential election. Of course, this is all in the name of safety and public health. If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you.
The DNC is pushing to send 209 million voting aged Americans a mail in ballot. No ID required. Let’s just stack them all in a big pile and start counting! Let me illustrate this for you:
2000 Election: “This Florida recount and hanging chads has made our democracy look foolish!”
2020 Election: “Hold my beer…”
Remember, the mail-in-only ballot election is being publicly pushed by a party that can’t even run a successful caucus after a year of planning and preparation. What could possibly go wrong?
Dearest Coronavirus,
Thank you!
The Biden Campaign and The DNC