Mike Russell

Mike Russell

Mike Russell believes that individual freedom is the foundation of American excellence, that small business is the engine that drives economic...Full Bio


Can We Blame Biden & Harris For The Rise In Anti-Semitism?

Democrats and talking heads in the corporate media constantly blamed President Donald Trump for the rise in hate crimes. Here's one example from Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA).

Hate crime against Asian-Americans, Chu said, 'were stoked by the words of former President Donald Trump who sought to shift the blame and anger away from his own flawed response to the coronavirus.' The words in question 'China virus' and 'Wuhan virus.'

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) couldn't miss his opportunity to cast blame either. He said, 'to members of Congress who continue to use that type of hateful rhetoric: cut it out, because you also have blood on your hands.'

In politics crisis creates opportunity. Opportunity to blame the other side. Opportunity to get on television and pretend to have the moral high ground.

Meanwhile, attacks on Jewish Americans are up across the country. Democrats are now caught between a rock and a hard place. As the New York Times notes:

The pro-Palestinian position has become more common, with prominent progressive members of Congress offering impassioned speeches in defense of the Palestinians on the House floor. At the same time, reports of anti-Semitism are rising across the country.

The Times brings Black Lives Matter into the fold, writing,

Some young, liberal Jewish activists have found common cause with Black Lives Matter, which explicitly advocates for Palestinian liberation, concerning others who see that allegiance as anti-Semitic.

Democrats aren't speaking out against that portion of the Black Lives Matter movement. Nope. They might lose votes if they took such a position.

Therefore using the same logic Democrats and the media used to blame Trump for the rise in hate crimes ag, we can then blame the Democrats' silence for causing violence.

'Silence is violence' is what some in Black Lives Matter say.

Does this apply now?

Of course not. Because calling out the Democrats' silence would make them look bad. It would also expose their anti-Israeli bias. In many cases, this has manifested into hate crimes against Jewish people.

But there no grandstanding in front of television cameras, no moral high ground, no impassioned speeches calling for additional hate crime bills to protect the Jewish community. Sure, there were tweets from President Joe Biden and President-Elect Kamala Harris.

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) wrote this on Twitter.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) accosted President Joe Biden for several minutes when Biden landed in Detroit last week. She was attempting to get the president to take a harder stance on Israel. As were other Democrats in Congress.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and newly elected Sen. Jon Ossoff (D-GA) introduced a resolution to oppose the United States selling $735 million in weaponry to Israel. In the House, Tlaib, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (who called Israel an 'apartheid state' mirroring BLM language), and Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI) filed a similar resolution in the House.

None of their aggressive actions or elevated language seems to count because as we have learned only Trump's words matter.

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