Mike Russell

Mike Russell

Mike Russell believes that individual freedom is the foundation of American excellence, that small business is the engine that drives economic...Full Bio


AG Mark Brnovich Sues Biden Over Vaccine & Testing Mandate

Arizona Attorney General (and Republican Senate candidate) Mark Brnovich is suing the Biden Administration in an attempt to stop their COVID vaccination, testing mandate plan. And he's using illegal immigration as the basis for this lawsuit.

This is the first legal challenge since President Biden unveiled his strategy to combat the growing delta variant by mandating 'vaccination' for all federal employees and requiring all private employees who work for companies with 100 people or more to get vaccinated or submit to weekly testing.

Brnovich calling Biden's plan unconstitutional saying it violates the equal protection clause.

The lawsuit focuses, in part, on illegal migration since migrants are not subjected to vaccine mandates. 'The Executive Branch has adopted an unconstitutional policy of favoring aliens that have unlawfully entered the United States over actual U.S. citizens both native and foreign born, with the inalienable right to live here.'

The Attorney General also notes that even though the vaccine mandate rules haven't been established yet, 'the violation of the Equal Protection Clause is already evident and egregious' because it is 'discrimination in favor of unauthorized aliens.'

Brnovich also uses a retweet in his lawsuit. President Biden's Chief-of-Staff, Ron Klain, retweeted an MSNBC host's tweet when she wrote, 'OHSA doing this vaxx mandate as an emergency workplace safety rule is the ultimate work-around for the Federal govt to require vaccinations.'

The lawsuit states, 'the inadvertent admission in the preceding paragraph makes all the administration's actions constitutionally suspect.'

Brnovich says this won't be the last lawsuit either. Once the Biden Administration outlines the rules they will impose on businesses expect Arizona' A.G. to file more.

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