The Conservative Circus w/ James T. Harris

The Conservative Circus w/ James T. Harris

The Conservative Circus is an irreverant look at the important issues of the day hosted by your Ringmaster, James T. Harris and his Producer, Aaron. The show is topical, fast paced, fun and unabashedly conservative.


No Joy for Behar as Judge Jeanine takes 'The View' star to the woodshed.

Joy Behar of The View stepped in it when she accused Judge Jeanine Pirro of saying "theses kids are a lower level of human beings." Of course Joy took Pirro's comments completely out of context before launching into a vicious attack.

Big mistake.

Unlike Joy, Judge Jeanine has spent considerable time on the border and has worked to end child trafficking. She as waked the walk and can talk the talk. In this five minute response, watch Judge Janine dismantle then destroy the hapless Joy Behar.

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