The Conservative Circus w/ James T. Harris

The Conservative Circus w/ James T. Harris

The Conservative Circus is an irreverant look at the important issues of the day hosted by your Ringmaster, James T. Harris and his Producer, Aaron. The show is topical, fast paced, fun and unabashedly conservative.


Watch The Tolerant Left Back Away From COVID

The political left, who weaponized science for their totalitarian control, have decided it is time to head for the exits.  We are now supposed to ignore the last two years of brutal impact they inflicted on society.  You can always spot the shift by looking at how Hollywood and pop culture are triggered by the messaging from the political crew. - The Last Refuge

This was supposed to be funny but when you consider the lives and business that were destroyed it's not. I will NEVERR forget or forgive the Left for their COVID Fascism. Nor should you.


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