Housing challenges facing two groups of citizens on either side of Maricopa County will shape the future of the Valley. Arizona's Voice is here to help and educate.
http://ArizonasVoice.com has taken root and with your support we can grow across all of Maricopa County and across the state to provide the opportunity for everyone around the state to join in and participate in a common goal for giving the voice of the people the power it rightfully has in governing our state and local politics.
If you wish to be a part of our distribution group (called Arizona's Voice and managed via Google Groups--here's a direct link--where you can personally control your subscription and frequency of emails), please go to this form to provide at a minimum your email.
PRIVACY MATTERS: The administrators of Arizona's Voice can assure you that your information will not be improperly handled--neither sold to nor shared with any third parties that seek political gain, monetary gain, or have any other unrelated interest.
Arizona's Voice is by and for the people to amplify our voices back to our elected officials and public servants to remind them what matters to us, and from where their power is derived. After an election, many of them quickly forget in the face of special interests with influence, money, and power.
The two groups that started this movement are the Voice of Surprise and the Voice of Chandler.