Wrath of McCain

John McCain Doesn't Want Trump At His Funeral.

Sen. John McCain has been dealing with failing health, including an agressive form of brain cancer.  The 81-year-old Arizona Senator is reportedly making plans for his funeral, including a request that President Trump be somewhere else. 

How petty.

According to reports, McCain's family have requested Vice President Mike Pence to attend the service, but not Trump.  Former Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama have also been asked to speak at the ceremony. McCain and Trump have not had the greatest relationship. Early in his presidential campaign, Trump mocked McCain's five-year stint in a Vietnamese prison, joking "I like people who weren't captured".  In 2017, McCain cast the deciding vote against Trump's Obamacare repeal. Last month, Trump declined to attend the funeral of former First Lady Barbara Bush, sending Melania in his place. 

Do you think McCain's request is personal? Hell yeah! Was Trump's attack on McCain's military service over the line? Maybe, but so what! The only reason McCain is salty is because he lost his presidential run, not one time but twice and the inexperienced Trump won the presidency on his first try. 

In other words McCain and the establishment were exposed.

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