Mueller Investigation Update: What To Expect Next

According to Michael Isikoff of Yahoo News, Mueller is preparing to wind down his investigation into the Trump/Russia collusion. The General Counsel is to release memos relating to General Flynn on Tuesday, and address Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen on Friday.

From all reports, Flynn has been cooperative with Mueller and has submitted to repeated interviews. We are left to wonder what information Flynn gave to Mueller. The pressure on the General was enormous, since it is common knowledge his son was threatened with being drawn into the probe. We can only wait for the release of the memo to determine the level or cooperation (or perhaps composition) to be attributed to the discovery made during multiple Flynn examinations. In some reporting on the matter we are told that Flynn is expected to get positive treatment with no jail time recommended.

Did Mueller find nothing with which to charge Flynn, apart from lying about the two conversations which took place during the Trump transition? Since those contacts with the Russian ambassador were acceptable on the basis of a new administration laying the groundwork for relationships with friends and foes prior to taking office, is lying about those conversations the only wrong doing?

With the more damaging information extracted from both Manafort and Cohen, expected to be released Friday, is Mueller using the Flynn testimony to lay the foundation that there was contact with Russia during the transition, and, therefore, lend credibility to the idea that there was additional contact during the campaign?

We are warned by Peter Carr, a spokesman for the Special Counsel, that the public can expect some redactions in the Manafort report. Is Mueller winding down or is he getting ready to take everything connected with his investigation up a notch? Hang on. We are going to have a wild week.

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