Liberals Taken Aback By Trump’s ‘Graphic Language on Abortion’

From News Busters

Disgraced former NBC Nightly News anchor was startled by Donald Trump’s State of the Union call for a culture of life and end to late term abortion. Seemingly out of the blue, Williams on Tuesday night interjected, “ Graphic language on abortion, a first for a national speech in my time .” Chris Matthews described it as “[sticking] it to the governor of Virginia, tied it into his scandal.” Ralph Northam’s scandal, of course, was seeming to support infanticide. 

It is about time America had a president who took the abortion crisis seriously. President Trump played the hand that Governors Cuomo and Northam dealt him, and it was deadly! If the Dems had not ushered in infanticide, the President’s comments would not have been as forceful.


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