Shhh. I Went To A Gym. Don't Tell The Cops.

I worked out in a gym today. Don't snitch on me.

It was like walking into a speak easy. And it felt great.

Before we go any further, let's back up.

The owner of the gym told us on Russell & Hunter earlier this week he had no choice but to reopen. He is running out of money. His landlord wasn't giving him any breaks. Rent was due. If he doesn't pay he's in danger of losing his business, a business that has been his life's dream.

Not only that, but this gym is his source of income.

On top of his business bills he has personal bills too.

So he opened up. Technically he's violating Governor Doug Ducey's executive order signed back in March closing all non-essential businesses. Gyms weren't listed as essential.

But, it's essential to the owner.

So I went. I went because I don't want him to lose his dream. I went because I'm an American. I went because I'm free. I went because I am willing to take on the risks. I sanitized my hands after walking in the door. I wiped down every piece of equipment before I worked out and then again after. I mean really wiped it down. I cleaned all the edges and handles.

I stayed socially distant from the others in the gym. Yes, there were others. Honestly, it felt great to be around other people for the first time in 5 weeks.

Everyone there was strict about social distancing. Everyone cleaned their equipment both before and after use. Everyone was there for the right reasons.

Life is about choices. I made mine. You may make a different one. That's ok. I'll know the heat is coming. But the heat coming my way pales in comparison to the heat this business owner is taking. Someone is already called the police on him.

So, for now, I'll take heat for supporting a man who risked it all to open a business in hopes he doesn't have to close it.

After all, that's the American way. In the the months and weeks to come, it will require some of us to wash our hands, keep distant and get out there.

Fortune favors the bold after all. And if you are going to make a job about fortune could get you COVID19, get a little more creative.

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