See What Arizona Schools Might Look Like In The Fall

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey on Thursday says schools across the state can reopen in time for the next school year. But, what will they look like?

They might look like a construction zone.

These photos are from Da Vinci Tree Academy in Tucson.

Is this the new normal with desks taped off, surrounded by plastic sheets to keep students at an acceptable social distance?

Pima County Superintendent Dustin Williams toured the Academy. He told KGUN TV in Tucson, “I saw the partitions up and I said, Whoa. I haven't seen a model like that. This is one of the first models I've seen in class. But I have to accept we're in unprecedented times and safety has to be paramount for everybody."

How will your kids feel about going to school this way? How would you feel? Let us know.

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