First, people started calling the Scottsdale Police on Self Made Training Facility in Scottsdale. Why? Some people working out there weren't wearing masks.
Then the cops issued owner Jeff Mahaffey a citation for violating Governor Doug Ducey's order requiring gym goers to wear masks.
One citation wasn't enough.
The calls kept coming and the Scottsdale Police kept showing up outside Self Made Training Facility. So far, they have handed Mahaffey, a retired Marine, 30 citations. Each citation potentially carries a $2,500 fine and six months in jail.
Mahaffey hasn't budged.
In an interview on Russell & Hunter he called this 'government overreach,' adding, 'the Constitution is the supreme law of the land.'
Mahaffey also cited a study showing an incredibly low rate of COVID19's spread in gyms. The International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) found there were 49.4 million gym and health club visits between May 1 and August 6, 2020 and only 0.0023 Percent Tested Positive for COVID-19.
Clearly, COVID is not spreading in gyms.
Yet, the government is attempting to bully Mahaffey to close. They've cited him. They've forced him to hire lawyers at great expense to fight against these charges. They've sent out the health department. The health department has gone to court attempting to get an emergency order so shut Self Made Training Facility down.
Closing the gym the say "will undoubtedly save lives and protect the health and welfare of all Arizonans."
Lawyers are saying that even though they have zero evidence COVID is spreading in Self Made or any other fitness center (or other business for that matter).
We should applaud Mahaffey for standing up to this government overreach. It's cost him money. It's caused stress for him, his family and his staff. Yet, he keeps fighting. Standing up isn't easy in the face of government bullying as they continue to throw everything at him. We need to stand with him in support. This isn't about gyms. This is about 'certain inalienable rights' detailed in the U.S. Constitution. This is about freedom.
We need to band together to make sure he's not standing alone because he's not just standing up for his rights, he's fighting for all of ours.
Follow Jeff Mahaffey on Instagram here.