One Arizona Congressman Wants To Without COVID Funding To AZ

The audacity of Greg Stanton.

The Former Phoenix Mayor and current Arizona Congressman said an interview on Tuesday future COVID relief funds should be withheld from his own district and the state he represents in Washington unless Gov. Doug Ducey puts a mask mandate in place.


You read that right. A sitting US Congressman wants to bully the state's Governor into doing what he wants in order to get federal money.

What a joke.

91% of people in Arizona are already wearing masks when they go out of their home. A mandate from the Governor will do nothing to increase the percentage. Stanton is acting dangerously here. Not only because he's bullying the Governor and threatening to withhold funds until Ducey does his bidding, but he's doubling down on a mask strategy that may not work.

55% of COVID cases in El Paso, TX during a recent contact tracing investigation traced the spread back to big box stores that are deemed essential. Stores that have mask requirements. Yet, it's still where more than half the people got sick.

The politicians and the media are pretending these stories aren't true. We know they are. And we aren't going along with this fairy tale the government will save the day anymore.

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