The Downsides Of January 6, 2020.

At least 52 people have been arrested. 26 were arrested inside the U.S. Capitol. One woman is dead, shot and killed inside the building where laws are made. Three others died from 'medical emergencies.' What started as a legitimate protest descended into chaos as several people broke windows in our nation's Capitol building and walked through the hallways. As the Capitol was breached lawmakers were beginning to lay out their case the election was stolen.

As Katie Pavlich pointed this out.

Not only did the mob prevent the objections from being heard and seen by millions of people, Congress later seized the moment getting back to work certifying the Electoral College results all but securing Joe Biden will be sworn in on January 20th.

Today's breach also forced several of President Trump's supporting Congressmen and women to condemn the actions of some of his supporters.

The aftermath is more calls to impeach President Donald Trump and remove him from office immediately.

Additionally, Democrat Rep. Cori Bush wants several Republicans kicked out of Congress.

Now Trump supporters are fighting amongst themselves and the media and Democrats are celebrating.

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