The Rise Of Sinema, The Dangerous Creature.

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema has been noticed for her fashion in Washington. The senior Senator from Arizona has worn wigs on the Senate floor while casting votes. Some didn't like that. Today, her fashion sense is making social media headlines once again as she wore a pink, 'Dangerous Creature' shirt while presiding over the Senate. See.

Utah Senator Mitt Romney told her she was breaking the internet. Sinema's reply, 'good.'

Sinema has also been breaking the internet because she hasn't gone along with all the Democratic Party's progressive plans. With the Senate split and the potential tie-breaking vote resting with Vice President Kamala Harris Democrats were hoping they could pass a lot of bills and spend a lot of money.

Sinema might get in her way.

Sinema has said she won't vote to remove the Senate filibuster rule that would allow bills to be approved with a simple majority. Senate tradition requires 60 yes votes to even consider pending legislation. Sinema has also said it's 'inappropriate' to include a $15 minimum wage in the $1.9 million COVID relief bill.

With or without her wigs, Sen. Sinema has staked out a powerful position in the Senate. Maybe she will truly be 'independent like Arizona.'

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