AOC: Not Supporting $15 Min. Wage Is Dystopian Capitalist Nightmare.

The United States has lifted more people out of poverty than any other country in history. Some Democrats don't care. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is one of them. She and some of her colleagues have been pushing for a $15 minimum wage even though only 2% of workers in the US make the federal minimum wage of $7.25. They also continue to push the minimum wage increase even though it could cripple businesses in Mississippi where the costs of living are much lower. The median wage there is $15 per hour.

AOC still doesn't understand why anyone would be opposed to the wage increase.

The New York Congresswoman said, 'any person who thinks that a 15-dollar minimum wage is a crazy socialist agenda is living in a dystopian capitalist nightmare.'

The Congressional Budget Office says a minimum wage increase will help lift 900,000 people out of poverty, but the wage increase will cost 1.4 million jobs. CBO estimates are often wrong. Additionally, prices will increase meaning the wage gains won't be as impactful as they seem in theory.

In other words, a mandatory wage increase would create a larger set of problems caused by the government. This is perfect for AOC because despite America's success she only sees problems in this dystopian nightmare of a country millions have died to protect. A country so dystopian most of its poor residents have smartphones, air conditioning, and a vehicle.

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