Have we reached peak racism yet?
Everything has become racist. In the US Senate, the filibuster is racist because it gets in the way of the Democratic Party's goal of taking full control of the government.
Overseas, Oxford thinks music is racist. This is not a joke. Oxford thinks teaching sheet music will be a 'slap in the face' because it is part of the 'colonialist representational system.' Even Tom Hanks' son Chet is accused is using 'racist' font on his apparel line.
If that's not enough to keep track of, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is adding to it.
"Anyone who's using the term 'surge' around you consciously, is trying to invoke a militaristic frame. And that's a problem. This is not a surge, these are children, they are not insurgents. And we are not being invaded. Which, by the way, is a white supremacist idea—the idea that if 'an other' is coming in the population, that this is like an invasion of who we are."
Yup. We are just adding to the ways in which you are all wrong.