“Sunday afternoon, Cameron Kasky is doing push-ups in a park near Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Kasky, a junior, says kids like himself are doing something new, demanding a fresh look at America's gun laws."
"The crescendo has hit its point. It's enough and it's over," he says. "I haven't got a shred of doubt that this is going to be our change." – WBUR
WARNING. I'm going after the kids.
Cameron and his friend, David Hogg, have turned into celebrities overnight. Yep. They saw their chance in the misery of the nation and are seizing the opportunity to put themselves in the spotlight and forward their once simmering – now boiling – political agenda.
The adults around them are doing all they can to put the Children of the Corn at the head of the parade to Washington to demand gun control.
Before the bodies were removed from the classrooms, Cameron was taking his shots and 2nd Amendment supporters:
Sarcastic much? Coach Aaron Feis was a second admendment guy, he took a few bullets to protect you. Too bad he didn't have his gun with him.
Make no mistake, we aren’t talking about kids who just suddenly became liberals because of the horrors they saw. They are liberals who saw an opportunity in the horror:
The modern left is no different from the socialist that came before them. They use children to advance their narrative. Only these kids are not useful idiots. They are true beleivers who have been indoctrinated and are now activated.
UPDATE: What the hell is this?