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For allowing Sacha Baron Cohen to punk Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and have him talk to a donut, discuss golden showers, and agree to please The Donald in a way I can’t possibly describe on air, due to public decency, Joe Arpaio’s campaign staff is the Conservative Circus Clowns of the week!
Here is the question-were they smoking the wacky weed when the accepted the invite from a faux Finnish “unboxing” celebrity named OMGWhizzBoyOMG? Does Joe even know what Twitter is? Let alone what is being tweeted in his name?
If I thought Arpaio actually knew what was going on, Joe would be the Conservative Circus Clown of the Week. But after reading some of the tweets on his feed, the Ringmaster chose to give the Sheriff the benefit of the doubt. He didn’t write that smut. He is too much of a gentleman.