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Sen. Corey Booker said he was having a “Spartacus” moment. Turned out he was having a Clown of the Week Moment.
The confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh was Booker’s chance to show off his presidential bona fides. What we saw was a grandstanding melodramatic asshat who plays fast and loose with the facts.
Wait a second… Isn’t that exactly what they say about President Trump? Yes. Yes, it is. HOWEVER, when you see over the top grandstanding in action, you tend to think Corey Booker.
This week we watched Corey Booker try to outdo Kamala Harris in Senate hijinks by pretending to break Senate rules then martyr himself on a rubber sword. (Turns out he didn't break any rules, he just lied about breaking rules.)
Not a good look.
I could go on but let’s not. You can watch the video below. Corey Booker, once again, you are the Conservative Circus Clown of the Week!