Dems Admit That No Blue Wave Is Coming!?

Courtesy of Grabien and MSNBC

The Democrats seemed so lost after 2016 and the election of Donald Trump with a Republican controlled House and Senate.

They put all of their effort into demanding more in 2018 and taking back some semblance of control.

But here we are almost one week out from the midterm elections and the thrill seems to be gone and all hope for change is lost.

Even prominent Democrat strategists are simply giving in to the strong possibility that no blue wave or tsunami is coming and that Republicans are not only going to keep control but probably gain seats!

However I ask a few very important questions.

Who did the Democrats prop up as a rising star? Beto O'Rourke? He is getting crushed in every poll released for his race against Ted Cruz.

What did the Democrats do to garner up support? Blame Trump and run on anti-Trump slogans and campaign promises.

And finally what did they say they would do to bring about change? Raise taxes and promise big government oversight.

The American people have been wised up to the scheme and have told Democrats that those platforms and these people running are not going to get it done!


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