Will The Dream Die In 2019? HELL NO!

Actress and comedian Jane Curtin said that her New Year's resolution is to “make sure the Republican Party dies.”

“My New Year’s resolution is to make sure that the Republican party dies,” Curtin said during a New Year's Eve broadcast on CNN. 

Well, Happy New Year to you as well, "Jane...  You ignorant slut!" -Chevy Chase SNL

2019 is going to be a crazy year. The left can not, will not stop with the hate, and while their continued melt down will be entertaining, it does mean that our Republic is being eaten from within.  This year, more than ever, you will need to tune in to the Conservative Circus! It's the only sane way to deal with the crazy and stay informed!

The Conservative Circus has been in the Valley and on News Talk 550 KFYI for nearly a year, and we have been blown away with how well the show has been received. This year we have a few new features that we are excited to add to the Circus to keep you informed and laughing out loud. While liberals continue to resist and wish death on Republicans, "We the People" will continue to celebrate our freedom and support the politicians and policies that put America first.

We will also celebrate radio, the last bastion of uncensored conservative media.

As we kick off the new year, I want to thank all of you who made the first year under the Big Top in the Big City a success! Phoenix has been a dream of mine for years and I do not plan to disappoint! So continue to spread the word! 4:00 to 7:00 pm, afternoon drive on 550 KFYI is the place to be for quality infotainment and cocoa conservatism served fresh daily. 

WATCH Jane Curtain

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