Biden Would Lock Down Country To Stop Spread Of Virus

"I would shut it down. I would listen to the scientists."

That is what Joe Biden says about his plan of action once he becomes the next President of the United States of America.

Does he mean he will listen to the scientists who have been wrong on almost every projection, prediction and premonition as to how this virus will kill millions of Americans?

Does he mean he will listen to the idea that our economy must be locked down and people must wear masks everywhere they go in order to stop the spread of a virus?

Or does he mean that he would listen to the scientists who have from day one flip-flopped and taken this country on a roller coaster ride that has no slowing down or end in sight when it comes to fearmongering and crippling our country at its core?

Joe Biden is telling the country that he wants things to stay the way they are when it comes to the grasp of control that Government will have with his administration. Do you want the previous 8 years of Obama/Biden but with even more progressive legislation under Biden/Harris?

Do you want to entrust an administration who has blatantly said it does not believe that its current system of infrastructure is "fair and just?"

Biden is playing on the emotions of the American people much like he and his party have for DECADES.

He is not right for America.

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