This Is Arizona's Most Popular New Year's Resolution

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2022 has brought on its fair share of challenges, and people are now starting to think about what they'd like to change in the new year. Whether it's losing weight, getting a new job, or learning a new skill, there are tons of New Year's resolutions that people are choosing from.

So what New Year's resolution is the most popular in Arizona for 2023?

Zippia used Google Trends to determine the most popular New Year's resolution in each state, and Arizona residents are looking forward to going to therapy.

Arizona isn't the only state looking forward to starting therapy. It is the most popular resolution across the country with 12 states wanting to take the steps to better their mental health.

Arizona's neighbors are looking forward to getting a pay raise, meeting new people, and improving their dating lives.

Losing weight is the second most popular resolution, being the most popular in eight states. Seven states want to further their dating life, while four states want to adopt better sleeping habits.

Check out the most popular New Year's resolutions in each state on Zippia's website.

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