The Glenn Beck Program

The Glenn Beck Program

Known for his quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality, Glenn Beck has attracted millions of viewers and listeners throughout the United...Full Bio


Are the anti-DNC protests funded by our BIGGEST ENEMIES?

Over 200 groups are slated to protest outside the DNC in Chicago this week. According to a Capital Research Center investigation, over 150 of them qualify as “extremist groups.” Glenn reviews the shocking findings, including that at least 147 of the groups are either connected to or have supported terrorist groups or terrorist attacks. And most of those groups have supported Hamas! Just as concerning is how many of them are either linked to or have supported a foreign nation that is hostile to the United States. But as these groups tear down fences outside the DNC, the Democratic Party appears to be appeasing them! “This is foreign interference from our greatest enemies,” Glenn says, “and the Democrats are playing footsie with them.”


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: So I don't know if you've seen what the Capitol Research Center has put out. But they have -- they have a very narrow definition of extremist.

Extremist groups are only designated extremist groups, if they have documented ties, or publicly expressed support for terrorism. Or terrorist groups.

Ties to or publicly expressed solidarity, with hostile foreign governments. And/or support for anarchism.

Marxism, or communism.


That's the deal.

So how many of those groups are in Chicago, right now?

At least 279 extremist groups, are now on the streets, as part of this coalition, to march on the DNC in Chicago.

Separate coalition that is publicly planning disruptions at the convention. Several Chicago-based Islamic groups that are also involved in the efforts. But are not officially enlisted in any coalition.

Of the 229 groups, involved in the anti-DNC efforts. 162 or 71 percent qualify as an extremist group.

At least 147 of the anti-DNC groups have expressed support. 147 of these groups, have expressed support for, or ties to terrorist groups or terrorist attacks.

But a handful of one of those 147 groups have ties to or publicly support Hamas, and/or the terrorist attacks on Israel. On October 7th.

Hamas allied and Iran-backed Marxist Leninist groups also on the ground. The popular Front for Liberation of Palestine. They have strong, direct links for a coalition that is openly planning to replicate the violent 1968, Democratic Convention.

The majority of the identified extremist groups are linked to, or have expressed solidarity with at least one of the nine foreign governments, hostile to the United States. Including Iran, Venezuela, China, North Korea, Syria, Cuba, Pakistan, and Nicaragua. The extremist groups also have ties to or express support for 19 foreign terrorist organizations. Including Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp, the PFLP, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, the Lion's Den, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Muslim Brotherhood, Jamat Islami, the Taliban, al-Qaeda. Marxist terrorists from Puerto Rico. Islamist terrorists in Sudan. Lashkar Etieba. Hisbolmahagene (all phonetic). Duketarhanemalot, and the Communist Party of the Philippines, the New People's Party.

The coalition to march on the DNC's official statement and website content explicitly supports Hamas and the atrocities committed on October 7th. The group's official involvement in the coalition is a very strong indication, that they are a supporter of terrorism.

A large portion of the extremist groups have engaged in, endorsed or attempted to assist acts of violence, property destruction, economic sabotage on the US soil, and justifiably described as acts of terrorism.

The monitoring of the mainstream media coverage of the protest found almost a universal failure to inform readers or watchers about the pro-terrorism stances of the groups and the activists mention and had quoted in the news articles and on air segments.

That's quite a list. That seems, I don't know, maybe dangerous. And something people should point out. What do you think, Stu?

STU: You think that's worth pointing out? I don't want to get extreme here.

You sound like some sort of nutjob protester there with that sort of request.

GLENN: Yeah. I know.

But look at the -- look at the groups.

These are all the enemies, the worst of the worst. And they are 60 percent of them, they say, are from foreign countries.

Sixty percent of these people, coming in, on the streets of Chicago, are from foreign countries.

This is foreign interference. From our greatest enemies.

And the Democrats are playing footsy with them.

STU: Yeah. I mean --

GLENN: They should be denouncing them from the stage.

STU: Yeah. That should be -- not handing them their chosen vice presidential pick.

That's certainly not the direction to go. If you think about it that way, the reason why Tim Walz is the vice presidential candidate is to appease these groups. They specifically picked him, because they were worried about these protests. And worried that these stuff would flare up. So they gave him, exactly what they wanted. And what happens, Glenn, when you give terrorists. And terrorist supporters exactly what they want?

GLENN: They demand more, and get louder. And more dangerous, and closer to you.

STU: And you incentivize them, to do more of this. So this is what they had to do to deal with. They made this bed, and they now have to lie in it.

GLENN: So let me just -- now that you know who these protesters are. And you know the reaction of the Harris campaign. To embrace and get closer.

Do you think she's qualified to be commander-in-chief? Do you think -- sitting down at a negotiating table with Iran, South Korea, China, Putin, that she would be able to actually bring peace to the world?

This is the most dangerous time, in our country's history.

This is more dangerous than the Civil War. Because we have nuclear weapons, pointed at us.

We not only have the chance of Civil War, in this country. We are looking at global annihilation, as well, if we're not careful. My gosh.

I -- I just -- you know, nobody is -- nobody is pointing anything out, in the media. The mainstream media.

It was all bunny rabbits and Easter flowers, from the networks yesterday. They intentionally hid Joe Biden.

They intentionally. You don't go 90 minutes late for the president of the United States. They pushed him out of prime time on the East coast.

And that was intentional. They're hiding him. Nobody wants to see him, anymore.

He's now on vacation, in California. And I -- hope his health stays really, really strong.

But, again, I ask, who is running our country?

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