Mike Russell

Mike Russell

Mike Russell believes that individual freedom is the foundation of American excellence, that small business is the engine that drives economic...Full Bio


Biden Is Not Off To A Great Start.

President Joe Biden aka Mr. Executive Order has been busy using the power of his pen...err his autopen...during his first two days in office. But, not all has gone according to plan.

The Biden administration's first lie has already been exposed. NBC's Kristen Welker quoted a member of team Biden saying, 'the Trump administration did not leave us with any working plan to roll-out this vaccine.' This same source or perhaps another source within the administration parroted the lie to CNN.

Under the headline, 'Biden inheriting nonexistent coronavirus vaccine distribution plan and must start 'from scratch,' sources say' reporter MJ Lee repeated the lie writing, 'There is nothing for us to rework. We are going to have to build everything from scratch.'

Even CNN's own Chris Cuomo knew the 'source' was lying, trying to create a narrative that was too easy for a biased media to believe. Trump bad. Biden good.

In 38 days since the first vaccine dose was administered almost 38 million shots were produced. Over 17 million people received the vaccine. Some doses were initially held back because two doses are required to slow the spread of COVID. So clearly these numbers prove the vaccine is being distributed to the states.

Lying is not a great way to gain the trust of the American people.

Neither is annoying one of America's main allies. One of Biden's executive orders revoked the Keystone XL pipeline permit. Canada is not pleased.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wrote, 'While we welcome the President’s commitment to fight climate change, we are disappointed but acknowledge the President’s decision to fulfill his election campaign promise on Keystone XL. Canada is the single-largest supplier of energy to the United States, contributing to U.S. energy security and economic competitiveness, and supporting thousands of jobs on both sides of the border. Workers in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and across Canada will always have our support.'

Biden's order cost 1,000 Canadian workers their jobs. Wyoming Senator Cynthia Lummis says Biden's move, 'is a strike on the heart of Wyoming jobs, families and communities.' She added, 'This unilateral action will kill jobs, raise gas and energy prices, and further harm our ability to fund our schools, roads, hospitals, and other critical infrastructure. The price of this ban is simply one the people of Wyoming cannot afford.'

Biden's move can't be about pollution. A 2014 State Department report said the Keystone XL pipeline 'would not significantly contribute to carbon pollution.'

So the 'President for all Americans' is already lying and costing jobs.

Then there the issue of the National Guard who were brought in to protect Biden, his family, and Congressmembers. They were kicked out of the U.S. Capitol and made to sleep in an unheated parking garage. It wasn't Biden's decision, but he's now on the clock. The media wouldn't have hesitated to blame Trump had this happened while he was president.

Biden did call the Guard and apologize. From The New York Times: The National Guard will always hold a special place in the hearts of all the Bidens,” (Dr. Jill Biden) said, noting that their son Beau, who died in 2015, was a member of the Delaware Army National Guard.

Dr. Biden then staged a fake, do-good photo op.

So as the media continues to fawn, the cracks are already starting to show inside the Biden administration and we are only a couple of days in. These cracks come as no surprise to anyone who has followed Biden's lackluster career in Washington. Biden has never been that well-liked outside of D.C. and Delaware or that effective during his 50-year career as a member of the good-ole-boys club.

The surprise comes as to how much and how quickly the media is working to fill in and cover those cracks, attempting to frame the narrative Biden is somehow the great white-haired hope America needs right now at the age of 78.

So much for realism.

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