President Joe Biden knows the power of a good photo op. He's been a politician for half a century. Biden is bringing 50 years worth of photo ops with him to the White House.
Biden announced Wednesday US Troops in Afghanistan would all return home by September 11th, 2021, the 20th anniversary of the worst terrorist attack in our country's history. That's photo op #1. Biden is clearly picking that date for symbolic reasons.
Photo op #2. Biden gave today's speech in the same room in the White House where President George W. Bush first announced American troops have begun a war against Al Qaeda in Afghanistan.
A war then-Senator Joe Biden voted in favor of.
Photo op #3. After Biden's symbolic speech on withdrawing US Forces from Afghanistan they trotted him out to Arlington National Ceremony (see above).
Photo op #4. President Trump initially ordered troops out of Afghanistan by May 1st. Biden is trying to take credit for Trump's work.
The White House is trying to turn Biden into a Instagram influencer, one of those fake ones with large followings who use the best lighting and make-up to make themselves look better. Don't take the bait in these highly produced, pretend feel-good moments.
Look at what they the chaos at the US, Mexico border the Biden Administration created and is currently ignoring. Look at how much money they are spending using COVID and infrastructure to fund their progressive agenda. Look at how much they are trying to change America. That's the reality they are hiding behind their photo ops.