In 1979 Russia invaded Afghanistan.
The Russians met resistance from a group of fighters defending their homeland called the mujahedeen.
The CIA notices. Convinces the American government to supply these fighters with plenty of American weapons to take on the Russians. The powers that be decide to train the fighters as well.
The mujahedeen won.
And now they had war experience to go along with their American military training.
The mujahedeen wanted to use that experience to defend Kuwait after Iraq invaded.
Saudi Arabia intervened, America was chosen to defend Kuwait.
That really pissed off a man named Osama, one of the mujahedeen.
Photo: Getty Images
Many mujahedeen become Al Qaeda.
In 2022 Russia invaded Ukraine.
The Russians met resistance from a group of fighters defending their homeland.
The CIA notices. Convinces the American government to supply these fighters with plenty of American weapons to take on the Russians. The powers that be decide to train the fighters as well. And now give them tanks.
What happens in the next 22-years is determined by the decisions American politicians make. Just as it was the last time the Russians did this.
The long-term question is will this pattern continue to repeat? Depends on what American politicians do.