The Conservative Circus w/ James T. Harris

The Conservative Circus w/ James T. Harris

The Conservative Circus is an irreverant look at the important issues of the day hosted by your Ringmaster, James T. Harris and his Producer, Aaron. The show is topical, fast paced, fun and unabashedly conservative.


Schools Fail to Prepare Students for the Rise in A.I.

AI is here and it's rapidly changing a wide array of industries. The use of Artificial Intellegence is the biggest disruption to the world economy since the industrial revolution and will soon make many skills and entire careers obsolete. You'd hope that our public schools would make note of this and shift what their teaching our children to prepare them for the future economy, but they have yet to adapt.

A new report from the Arizona Daily Independent details why one local Phoenix area school district doesn't seem to care about the AI boom.

Like it or not, AI is not going away.

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